I will be leaving for Thailand in August and September, to receive more yoga training and to come back with a lot of new inspiration for you! Due to my absence, the schedule will look a bit different in August. Nienke Arts will be teaching on Mondays and Wednesdays in August (starting August 3rd and …

Now available: Zen by Sen sustainable yoga wear
I’m so proud to tell you that on June 5th Zen by Sen, our new webshop, was officially launched! When being on the mat (almost) daily, I wanted to be able to switch between pairs of leggings, preferably sustainable ones, made out of recycled materials. I found that the leggings in The Netherlands were either organic, …
Let’s go outside!
Het nieuwe seizoen Outdoor Zomer Yoga Nijmegen gaat van start en wel vanaf 11 mei aanstaande. Dit betekent dat we vanaf dan elke week 4 lessen buiten hebben, op verschillende plaatsten in Nijmegen. Allereerst het geliefde park Brakkenstein, het startpunt waar het allemaal begonnen is. Vorig jaar kwam daar de Waal bij en nieuw dit …